25 Pregnancy Milestones to Tick Off Your Pregnancy Calendar

From the first signs to the last push in labour, here are some of the things to tick off your pregnancy calendar.

25 Pregnancy Calendar Milestones

First Trimester

1) Pregnancy Symptoms

A late period makes most women think about the all-important question: am I pregnant? But in the early pregnancy stages, you also might feel sick, have sore breasts and start to feel tired. Other pregnancy symptoms include constipation, needing to pee more and going off strong-smelling food.

2) Taking the Test

One trip to the bathroom plus two lines on the stick means you’ve got a positive pregnancy test on your hands! Although make sure to always visit your doctor the moment you think you’re pregnant. Home pregnancy tests aren’t 100% accurate and a health professional can confirm the good news for you.

3) Telling Dad

If dad wasn’t there for the pee-on-the-stick ceremony, you can tick off one of the best pregnancy milestones on your pregnancy calendar when you tell him. Just make sure he’s sitting down first!

4) Emotional Rollercoaster

Your body will start to change when you’re around 9-12 weeks pregnant. Your breasts will get bigger and you might start to feel emotional.

5) Morning Sickness

While it’s not exactly the nicest of pregnancy milestones on your pregnancy calendar, morning sickness happens to most expectant mums. Nausea in pregnancy can be horrible, but it usually stops at around 14-20 weeks.

6) The First Ultrasound

At approximately 12 weeks, you can have your first ultrasound scan. Ultrasounds are completely painless, but the gel is freezing! They let you ‘see’ your tiny baby in the womb and hear their heartbeat – now you know it’s really happening.

7) Cravings

From pickles to ice cream, many mums-to-be have cravings when they’re pregnant. From the wonderful to just plain weird, your first craving is a happy milestone you can mark off on your pregnancy calendar.

8) Your First Baby Purchase

Shopping for your baby for the first time is one of the most exciting pregnancy milestones on your pregnancy calendar. But what will it be? A tiny hat and mittens set? A cute changing bag? Whatever you go for, make sure to grab the must-have baby items before you blow your budget!

9) My Clothes Don’t Fit!

Kiss goodbye to your favourite high-waisted jeans – for a little while, anyway. Now you need supportive bras, loose tops and some stretchy trousers. Get ready for a brand new maternity wardrobe.

Second Trimester

10) Telling Everyone Else

You can tell people you’re pregnant whenever you like, but most people wait until after their 12-week ultrasound, when your doctor can confirm there are no abnormalities. Once you’re ready, it’s time to start spreading the good news!

11) Newsflash: Babies Are Expensive

One of the more shocking moments in your pregnancy calendar – when it dawns on you how much this tiny of bundle of joy is going to cost. Planning an extended maternity leave sounds like a lovely way to spend the early years with your little one, but remember you still have bills to pay. The cost of having a baby can be huge, so always make a baby budget – no matter your plans.

12) Keep on Movin’

A little twinge here, a small shift there – is that your baby moving? The likelihood is yes! One of our favourite pregnancy milestones will happen at around 17 weeks, when you can feel your baby wriggling around in the womb.

13) Insomnia

In case you didn’t know, carrying a baby around all day is really hard. It’s exhausting for your body, which makes insomnia in pregnancy all the more annoying. It’s important to eat a healthy diet and avoid caffeine where possible. Try to wind down before bedtime – suggest to your kind caring partner to give you a foot rub!

14) Spotted by a Stranger

How far along are you? When are you due? Is it a boy or a girl? These are just some of the many questions you’ll face when you’re pregnant. Hopefully you won’t find it too annoying because you’ll only get more attention when your baby arrives!

15) Is That a Stretch Mark?

Baby’s getting bigger and so is your bump, which can only mean one thing for your pregnancy calendar. Stretch marks are completely natural and almost every mum-to-be develops them at some stage, usually from around 20 weeks.

16) Oh, We’re Halfway There

20 weeks means you’re halfway through your pregnancy calendar. This is a very important point, as you’ll be attending your mid-pregnancy anomaly scan. The sonographer will be able to tell you there and then if they suspect any problems. Your anomaly scan can feel very daunting, so take your partner or a friend.

17) It’s a Boy! Or… It’s a Girl!

At your 20-week scan, you can also choose to hit one of the biggest pregnancy milestones – finding out the sex of your baby. You don’t have to do this, but if you’re dying to know, ask the sonographer and they can try to determine if you’re having a little boy or girl.

18) Baby Shower

It’s party time! Alcohol free, of course – but you can still eat lots of cake and play some fun baby shower games with your friends and family. Plus, we’re sure your generous loved ones will give you lots of new mum gifts to celebrate your new arrival!

Third Trimester

19) Getting Everything You Need

Your due date’s just around the corner and you’re hoarding enough new baby clothes to clothe an entire nursery. But have you thought about all the important stuff, like extra nappies and muslins? Think about what to pack in your baby changing bag to get an idea of the everyday baby essentials.

20) I Am Just So Tired

Every mum gets to a point by the third trimester of feeling completely and utterly exhausted. You also might suffer from bad backpain, leg cramps and indigestion – sounds great, right? But although these aren’t the nicest points on your pregnancy calendar, it’ll be worth it in the end.

21) Pack Your Hospital Bag

From your new baby’s sleepwear to a sneaky chocolate bar for yourself, you need to get everything ready for your upcoming hospital stay. Check out our baby hospital bag checklist to make sure you’re fully prepared.

22) It Begins

Your first contraction is the most common sign that your baby is due very soon. However, you don’t need to jump to the hospital just yet. Light contractions are usually just the beginning of labour and you might be advised to stay home. If your contractions last more than 30 seconds or come every five minutes for over an hour, it’s time to call the midwife.

23) My Waters Broke!

The more obvious sign of labour is your waters breaking. You must get in touch with your doctor or midwife if your waters break because of the increased risk of infection. They will tell you when it’s the right time to go to the hospital.

24) Labour

Labour’s probably one of the pregnancy milestones on your pregnancy calendar that you’d rather forget. Your birthing partner should stay nearby to give you sips of water, wipe your face and hold your hand to help you through the pain.

25) Your Baby Arrives

You did it! You’ve given birth to a beautiful baby (or babies!). We’re sure this is your favourite moment on your pregnancy calendar and it’s only going to better. Now it’s time to look forward to lots of baby cuddles, seeing their first smile and watching your little one grow.

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