If it’s your baby’s first day out, you might not make it beyond the end of your street. But once you’ve been out a few times, you’ll probably need a change of scenery. Fresh air is good for both mum and baby. Plus, sitting in the house all day would drive anyone a little crazy.
Start out by getting prepared. Before you leave, make sure you know what to pack in your baby changing bag. Check your baby’s dressed for the occasion (more or less layers, depending on the temperature) and always bring sun cream.
When you’re ready, the next step is to go! But where to? We’ve looked at the top places to take babies to try and make your next day out simple and stress free. What are you waiting for? Let the adventures begin!
Top Places to Go with a Baby
1) Park
One of the best places to go with a baby is your local park. Bursting with new colours, sounds and smells, the park is a great for a breath of fresh air.
Newborns are very vulnerable to germs, so they shouldn’t be around busy areas. Open, airy spaces like the park are perfect for a quick stroll with your baby because you won’t come into close contact with lots of people. Plus, when your baby’s old enough, they can enjoy the park swings too!

2) Supermarket
For the first few weeks after birth, you can grab the essentials from a corner shop. But when your partner goes back to work, you might be left to do the ‘big shop’ by yourself. Luckily, supermarkets are one of the most accommodating places to take babies. Car seat trolleys are ideal for newborns who can stay strapped in. Or older babies who can support themselves can sit in the trolley seat while you scour the aisles.
3) Café
A café can be one of the most relaxing places to go with a baby. Mums need me-time too, so take a break with your little one and pop into your favourite coffee shop after an afternoon walk.
Enjoy some fresh coffee (and maybe a muffin too) while baby kicks back in the pram. It’s a good idea to avoid the early-morning rush in case it’s too hectic and loud. Try to go in after feeding time too, as your baby will hopefully drift off to sleep and leave you to your latte.
4) Beach
If it’s a nice day, why not go for a stroll along the sand? The beach is an ideal location to take a baby, as long as you keep your tot safe. Sun protection is really important, so remember sun cream, a pram cover and a sun hat. Keep your little one out of direct sunlight and avoid going at midday – it’ll be too hot.
While it probably won’t be warm enough to sunbathe in the UK, you might be jetting off abroad with your baby. If you are, make sure to check out what to pack in your baby changing bag before you go. Anyone for ice cream?
5) Cinema
Forget blaring theme music and dark screens – go to the baby cinema instead! Cinemas and theatres can be the perfect places to take babies. Many of them host shows adjusted for young children, so parents can watch the latest blockbuster in a baby-friendly environment.
Baby cinemas lower the volume and soften the lighting so your little one feels safe and comfortable while you enjoy the film.
6) Aquarium
Zoos and petting farms seem like great places to go with a baby. However, open spaces with animals can be full of germs – something you don’t want your newborn near. Also, young infants probably won’t understand or enjoy the experience, so maybe wait until they’re older.
Instead, why not go to the aquarium? With bright fish and colourful plant life, your baby can enjoy a whole new experience. Many attractions like the aquarium offer free tickets for babies too!
7) Museum
Okay, so a tiny baby might not know their Picassos from their Warhols, but a museum is still one of the best places to go with a baby. Just like the aquarium, a museum is stimulating, engaging and completely new. Don’t think their age will stop them having fun – museums are visual entertainment for babies.
It doesn’t just have to be an art museum either – there are lots of science and discovery museums which have interactive exhibits for young children.
8) Swimming
Take your youngster to the local pool for a fun afternoon of splashing about! Although babies can’t swim quite yet, they can still enjoy playing in the water. You could even start early and try infant swimming lessons if you want a real water baby!
The NHS guidelines advise babies can go swimming at any age, before or after vaccinations. However, lots of new parents wait until their little one’s six weeks old before they start swimming, especially if mum has had a C-section or difficult birth.
If your swimming pool is inside a leisure centre, why not see what else is on offer for babies?
9) Leisure Centre
Leisure centres are one of the top places to take babies because of their family-friendly facilities. As well as swimming, leisure centres often have soft play, baby sensory classes, parent and toddler groups, story time sessions and more.
If you’re thinking about places to go with a baby, remember you’ll need to bring all your little one’s essentials. But if you’re not sure where to put it all, Bababing has you covered.
Bababing has an excellent range of baby gear that’s perfect for travel and trips. Check out our neutral but stylish collection of baby changing bags and carry everything you need, wherever you go!