As a new parent, it can often feel overwhelming to navigate the world of baby gear. With endless new designs and trends popping up every year, it can be hard to know what you really need and what's just a passing fad. Let me take you through the truth about baby gear trends and what items are actually worth the investment.
Baby Gear Trends: Multi-Functional Baby Strollers
The right stroller can make or break your daily routine with a baby. While there are so many different types of strollers out there, investing in a multi-functional stroller is worth every penny. It is one of the baby gear trends that actually adds considerable value to your parenting experience.
These strollers often come with an adjustable frame that grows with your child, extra storage compartments, and the ability to convert into multiple modes, such as a travel system or double stroller. Although they can be more expensive, the long-term investment and convenience is well worth the price tag.
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The Bababing Raffi Travel System | “Liberating Parenting”
The new and improved 3-in-1 Raffi Travel system has all the award-winning features of the original Raffi and more.
From quick-and-easy, one-handed folding to tougher wheel quality, this badass pram gives you and your little one the freedom to get stuck into nature. And it looks just as good as it works.
The Raffi Travel System is now made with 100% recycled fabrics and comes in 3 mud-friendly colours, all with easy-clean finishes.
This makes it a must-have for epic excursions (to the local park!)
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High-Tech, Monitor Systems: Have you seen the latest baby monitor systems with all the bells and whistles? (The latest of baby gear trends!)
Some include HD cameras, two-way talk-back systems, and night vision modes!
While these advancements can often seem like must-haves, the truth is, a dependable audio or video monitor is really all you need. Don't be afraid to keep it simple and stick to the basics. Infant safety is priority and a monitor that provides that will suffice.
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Electric Baby Swings: A Winner When It Comes to Baby Gear Trends
These can be lifesavers for new parents especially if you little one struggles to settle. Products such as the Bababing Hub Electric Swing replicates the gentle rocking motion of a parents’ comforting arms.
It comes complete with 5 gentle swinging options, Bluetooth-enabled sounds, and a handy built-in timer, making it the one-stop snoozing spot for your baby to drift off in – and for you to get some much-needed R&R while they do!
When purchasing a baby swing it is important not to get too carried away reading about the latest baby gear trends. The brand that you are familiar with (and that has spent the most money on marketing their product) is not always the brand that is producing the best quality product or representing the best value for money.
Look for a brand that has strong customer reviews and has won plenty of industry awards.
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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Debunking Some More Baby Gear Trends
Natural Skincare Products
It can be tempting to splurge on natural or organic baby skin-care products, but it doesn't always mean they are necessary. A fragrance-free, gentle soap and lotion is often all your baby needs. Be sure to check the labels for harsh chemicals and if your baby has a skin allergy, check with your physician. Also, look into natural or DIY alternatives like olive oil or coconut oil for moisturizing purposes.
Smart Nappy/Diaper Systems
High-tech changing stations may seem like an excellent addition to a nursery, but in reality, disposable or cloth diapers and a wipe dispenser is really all you need. Don't forget, less is more. With babies, things can easily accumulate quickly, and unnecessary gadgets just take away the space and don't add much value.
Baby Gowns
The idea of the baby gown is that it makes baby changes easier but the parents that we have asked have mostly found them quite frustrating in that they need adjusting often and tend to ride up the body regularly.
Obviously, we can't speak for every brand and every product - but the generation before never needed a baby gown and it seems to us like another product designed at the new parent market tapping into your cash reserves (that could be better spent on useful products that you actually need).
The Baby Bouncer
The baby bouncer is one of the really useful baby gear trends that we would recommend.
Traditionally bouncers were quite clunky and took up a lot of space in the home. Brands like Bababing have worked hard to create products such as the Float Baby Bouncer which are cost effective and blend nicely into the home without intruding on your space.
It's helpful to find a lightweight bouncer that you can move from room to room. It keeps your little one entertained and allows you to get on with important jobs like cooking the tea or drinking wine.
(Note: We do not recommend drinking wine whilst looking after your little one, honestly!) But the bouncer is one of the baby gear trends that really does free you up to crack on with your jobs!
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Crib Bedding Set (Go For the Bamboo!)
When it comes to baby gear trends the crib bedding sets that you can now purchase have really developed in quality and there are some lovely sets out there on the market. Bamboo is a great option as it is very soft and sensitive on the baby's skin. Make sure that you choose a breathable fabric such as the Kose Cool.
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Ta-Da! That’s Our Guide to Baby Gear Trends
There's thousands (in fact, probably millions) of products out there. Some of them will add value to your parenting experience and others are a waste of money.
At Bababing HQ our ethos is all about creating simple and practical products that don't break the bank.
If you need any advice or have any questions please do contact the Bababing team at

The Benefits of Having a Bouncer for Baby Reflux
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