Travelling Abroad with a Baby: The Essential Guide
Buckle up, globe-trotting parents! Embarking on the exciting journey of parenthood doesn't mean you have to stop exploring the world.
Babies are natural little travellers; they love to be carried around and are always curious about new sights, smells, and sounds.
With a few handy tips and essential Bababing products, you can transform the voyage into an enriching experience for both you and your little one.
Introducing the Bababing Guide to Travelling Abroad with a Baby, your ultimate companion for globe-trotting with your mini-me! Let's get moving! 😎
Be Prepared - The Packing List
Your travelling adventures are going to revolve around keeping your baby comfortable and safe. So, it’s super important to have a checklist of things to pack.
Start with essentials like baby clothes, nappies, wipes, food, and medicines. Make sure to include your vitally important baby carrier and your baby bouncer to keep your baby comfortable during hotel stays.

Many parents who like to travel opt for a rucksack style changing bag with lots of room for the essentials needed when travelling abroad with a baby.
Sit down one evening (glass of wine optional but recommended) and write down every single thing that you will need for the trip from travelling to the airport to moving about the hotel pool or hitting the beach 😎
“Oh, No - Darling, I’ve Left the Baby at Home!” 10 Bababing Key List Reminders!
Remember the 90's classic film "Home Alone" with Macaulay Culkin? Exactly. The first thing on your travelling abroad with a baby list is your baby!
Joking aside - we thought it would be useful to provide you with a list of memory joggers for your list.
With the best will in the world you won't remember everything but this list might just help with key items.

1. Nappies and Wipes - You can never have too many nappies and wet wipes. Pack a few extra in your baby changing bag and make sure you have enough for the whole duration of your trip.
2. Baby formula, breast milk or food - It goes without saying that a hungry baby is not going to be much fun on an aeroplane... by a pool... or pretty much anywhere.
If your baby is formula fed, make sure to bring enough for the trip. If you are breastfeeding, it might be worth bringing a breast pump in case you need to express milk on the go.
If baby is on solids, pouches are a great idea as they are convenient and don't take up too much room in your luggage (jars can be a little inconvenient).
You will likely be able to purchase baby food locally when you arrive at your destination but depending where you are travelling you may not be able to get exactly what you are looking for so it is not worth the risk or hassle!
3. Bottles - If your baby uses a bottle make sure you have enough for the trip and don't forget to bring a bottle brush for cleaning. The Bababing changing bags are a popular choice for travelling parents as they include an insulated bottle holder which matches the changing bag.
4. A cosy blanket - To ensure your little one is cosy and warm on the trip
5. Toys - Make sure your little one is entertained on the trip and also the duration of the holiday by packing their favourite toys in your luggage.
6. Spare baby clothes - Pack plenty of changes of clothes and if you are travelling somewhere hot remember to pack appropriate clothing for the climate (and don't forget your baby sun-cream and a sun hat). Do your research when it comes to these items as it is so important that your little one is protected.
7. Pushchair or car seat - Depending where you are travelling abroad with a baby you may need to pack your pushchair or just the car seat. The Raffi 3-in-1 Travel System includes a pushchair, car seat and baby carrier all in one and many of the product bundles include your changing bag also.
8. Baby Carrier - A baby carrier can be useful when travelling as it enables you to keep your hands free (for holding the map... or a pint of nicely chilled beer!) Disclaimer - drinking alcohol whilst carrying your baby is not advisable! If you can afford a nanny, bring them along on your trip😝
9. Changing Mat - Make sure you pack your baby changing mat and your towel covers for changes on the go.
10. Travel Cot - Depending where you stay they may have a cot in the room but you might prefer to invest in a travel cot. The best travel cots are light and easy to pack and fold.
The RedDot award-winning Bababing Crib is a 2-in-1 bedside sleeper and travel crib, designed to make parents’ lives easier. It’s the first side-sleeper crib that doubles as a travel crib, featuring easy one-click folding, with no dismantling required. Result.
Abroad with a Baby - Choosing Your Baby-Friendly Accommodation
Before booking any stay, make sure to inquire about family-friendly amenities and research the cleanliness and location. Do they have a crib, high chair or lend a helping hand during meal times? Look for hotels or Airbnb accommodation with separate rooms for you and your baby - a small luxury that will make a significant difference in your travel experience. Plus points for extra prepared hosts who offer Bababing essentials like the RockOut 3-Position Baby Rocker.

Planning Your Activities Abroad With a Baby (It’s All About Timing!)
You may be a free spirit, go with the flow, follow your nose type of traveler… which is great but not always great when you have to think about your little one!
Spontaneity is great and you don't want to plan out every aspect of your holiday but with a baby to think about, we like to recommend “organized spontaneity”. It is advisable to plan your journey considering your baby's nap time and feeding schedule.
The rule of thumb: try to plan activities when your little one is well-rested and well-fed.
Use your baby's nap time to your advantage by strolling around the neighbourhood, visiting galleries or museums, or grabbing a quick bite at a local café. You'll be amazed at how happy and curious they'll be once they wake, ready for the day's adventures you've planned together.

Air Travel Made Easy (ish)!
Let's be honest: flying with a baby can be a bit of a challenge. But with the right mindset and some helpful tips, you can make your journey (and your fellow passengers') a tad more enjoyable.
Book flights during your baby's naptime, if possible, to increase the chances of some peaceful snoozing. Don't forget a change of clothes for both you and your little one – accidents do happen! And finally, be patient and kind to yourself, the flight crew, and fellow passengers. It's a team effort after all.